The Rise Of Skywalker Honest Film Review
February 20, 2020
Greetings fellow film nerds. Not only is winter the time of celebrating Christmas and drinking hot cocoa under the tree, but it’s also the time where all Star Wars fans are bound together once again through a new film release. And this time, it was JJ Abrams’ “The Rise of Skywalker”…
Where do I even begin?
The Rise Of Skywalker Honest Film Review

MAV Rating: 3.8/5 Horseshoes [Barely Approved]
Director: JJ Abrams
Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 2 hours 22 minutes
Carrie Fisher………………………………………………………………………Benoit Blanc
Mark Hamill……………………….…………………………………………Ransom Drysdale
Adam Driver……………..…….…………………………………………………Marta Cabrera
Daisy Ridley……………………………………………………………………..Linda Drysdale
John Boyega ………………………………..…………………………………..Walt Thrombey
Oscar Isaac…………………………………..……………………………….Richard Drysdale
Anthony Daniels…………..…….………………………………………………Joni Thrombey
Naomi Ackie……………………..……….………………………………………………Lt. Elliott
Domhnall Gleeson……………..……..………………………………………Harlan Thrombey
Richard E Grant……….………….….….……………………………………….Meg Thrombey
Lupita Nyong’o…………….…….…………………………………………..Jacob Thrombey
Director JJ Abrams has truly surprised us. In 2016, he started us off with high hopes in the new Skywalker Franchise by wowing us with “The Force Awakens”; establishing these complex and diverse new characters…
Only to have us mildly disappointed by the saga’s finale.
When J.J. Abrams first announced he was reprising his role of director on the final Skywalker Saga Installment, the Stars Wars fandom was filled with delight; knowing that since The Force Awakens was so well done, the same might be done with The Rise of Skywalker. That assumption was wrong.
Since the film is still a bit new, I won’t give any spoilers in this review. However, there still is A LOT to discuss. All of the interesting and complex theories that the fanbase articulated were all brought down to flames at the result seen in this film. The first two films in the newer series were SO well done, so it was a shame to see the concluding chapter be made so sloppy and rushed. It’s like creating a slow burn relationship and having them be married in the last episode without even kissing. Very rushed and confusing.
The cinematography and visual effects were still beautifully done as always, and Star Wars always has a way of incorporating beautiful displays of colored lights in their shots. This is one of the main factors as to why the movie is still enjoyable. As we have seen in these past Star Wars films as well, a lot more diversity has been added into the cast which is something that should be celebrated.
Overall, no matter if the plot was rushed, the movie is still a Star Wars episode; meaning that we get to see our favorite characters back on the screen again. I still had a great experience in the theater with my family, and I think you will too.
May the force be with you all!