Adi Saravanan

Eli Bruce, Staff Reporter

Adi Saravanan is a junior here at Mountainside. While he is well-liked among his peers, he never compromises his school work over his friendships. He won student of the week earlier this year, and he has been praised by his teachers for his dedication and quality work. 

“His curiosity to learn and excitement about it make it a lot more fun to be a teacher,” said Mr Hewitt. This shows his found balance of how to get along with teachers and having fun during the school day and also work hard to get his assignments turned in on time. 

When I interviewed Adi, I asked him if he had any advice for a struggling student here at Mountainside. Immediately, he talked with a passion as if he’d awaited a question like this. “Stay on top of it, manage time in your classrooms, organize your work for how it works best for you. Also, learning to be productive in short bursts rather than working in a long drag of a study session. Reward yourself for your studies and don’t feel as if you need a singular sitting to get your work done. It’s just not realistic.” This helped me gain a new perspective on shifting the complex and bland assignments into something that can be fun and more relaxing. 

Adi is not just busy in school, but also in his home life. While he has just got a car, he has more time to hang out with friends, but this doesn’t take away from his love for home. He works out, resells shoes for some extra cash, hangs out with his family, and watches a lot of anime. 

So while you may have never seen Adi in the halls, it is important to know a person’s perspective on school and to gain inference from a fellow classmate. If I were to learn Adi’s way of learning, I think me along with a bunch of others would benefit from it significantly. Learning to have fun and be productive at the same time seems like a difficult task. But if we were to carry less stress around, maybe we can be just a bit more like Adi Saravanan.